[Airbus A380]

European Project SEAT, Work Package 4:
 In-Flight Interactive Entertainment
 European Commission DG H.3 Research, Aeronautics Unit under the 6th Framework Program  contract Number: AST5-CT-2006-030958

[SEAT Logo]

Keeping in contact

If you have any comments, suggestions, or you are interested in our project, please feel free to contact us. Thank you in advance!

Faculty Industrial Design, office HG3.53
TU/e Technical University Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - (0)40 - 247 5215
email: g.w.m.rauterberg@tue.nl

H. LIU (Phd student)
Faculty Industrial Design, office  HG2.44
TU/e Technical University Eindhoven
The Netherlands

C.F. TAN (Phd student)
Faculty Industrial Design, office  HG2.44
TU/e Technical University Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Dr. J. HU (Assistant Professor)
Faculty Industrial Design, office  HG2.44
TU/e Technical University Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - (0)40 - 247 8331
email: j.hu@tue.nl

Dr. W. CHEN (Assistant Professor)
Faculty Industrial Design, office  HG2.44
TU/e Technical University Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 - (0)40 - 247 3563
email: w.chen@tue.nl